
Today in Europe Spanish broccoli is considered to be the best, not just because of its quality but due to its availability (it can be grown for a full 12 months of the year)

Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous family. The inflorescence is the edible part, constituted by flowers clustered in tiny green buds. This tasty vegetable is recognized by its broccoli vitamins and minerals as well as its prophylactic and healing compounds.



The origin of broccoli lies in the Mediterranean and it is believed that it is a vegetable that arises from the mixture of many others and that began to be popularised in the north of Italy, reaching the rest of the countries, thanks to its countless properties and nutritional benefits.

The broccoli plant belongs to the Brassicaceae family, of which cauliflower is a member; the main characteristics of this species is that it has many fleshy branches that end in the form of heads, these are edible, very similar to cauliflower, with the only difference that broccoli is dark green.

How does broccoli grow?

Broccoli is an annual vegetable plant, hence its fame, as it can be grown all year round. It grows during cold weather in spring and autumn. In cold climates, it grows well in summer.

The first step in the growing season is seed germination. Broccoli seeds germinate in one to two weeks. The development of the broccoli plant takes place in three to four weeks after the seeds germinate. In this process the broccoli grows roots and its first leaves.

Broccoli develops a stem and mature leaves before producing the top of flowering. Mature broccoli is harvested 50 to 65 days after sowing. The last stage of growth before harvest is the development of flower heads.

Is broccoli good for you?

Broccoli is not only a good food for our health, it is a necessary food in our daily diet, as it helps to take care of our health. It is a vegetable rich in nutrients and low in calories.

Broccoli has numerous beneficial properties for our health, including the following benefits of broccoli:

It helps prevent cancer: broccoli helps prevent cancers such as breast, stomach, pancreatic and prostate cancer, as it contains antioxidants such as selenium, superoxide dismutase, beta-carotene and vitamin C.

Prevents cardiovascular diseases: Due to its fibre content, the consumption of broccoli is recommended to reduce this type of diseases. This is due to the fact that fibre helps to reduce risk factors by acting on bad cholesterol, reducing it, maintaining normal blood pressure and a healthy weight.

– Protects our lungs and our stomach: is a natural antibiotic with anti-inflammatory properties. The consumption of raw or steamed broccoli once or twice a week is sufficient to prevent and fight against health problems in these organs.

– Promotes skin care: Broccoli contains vitamins A, B, K and E, as well as omega-3, among other important antioxidant nutrients. These help to keep skin young, clean and smooth by fighting free radicals, which are responsible for cellular ageing.

It is responsible for good digestion: Its high fibre content helps the body to cleanse itself.

Broccoli helps with vision care: it has vitamin A and beta-carotene that prevent cataracts and damage that can be caused by ultraviolet radiation.

How to store broccoli?

Broccoli is best kept in the refrigerator in a plastic bag with adequate air circulation. It should be consumed within 3-4 days. Do not store broccoli at room temperature because it acquires an undesirable woody texture. You should not wash your broccoli before storing it in the refrigerator; it will quickly become mouldy. You can wash it just before eating with fresh water.

Frozen broccoli is another good option to keep its healthy conditions intact. To freeze broccoli, first bring water to a boil in a pot. While waiting for the water to boil, cut the broccoli heads into small pieces and wash them.  Once the broccoli has been divided, cook it for about three minutes with a few drops of lemon juice and then drain it with the help of a colander. After this step, place the bowl in cold water, then drain again and it is ready to be stored in an airtight bag. With this method we can keep it for up to a year without losing its properties.

Broccoli recipes

Broccoli is a very versatile vegetable and can be enjoyed in salads and with dips, cooked or steamed in water, added to stews and soups, or simply raw as a healthy snack.

Cooking broccoli is an enriching experience, because it provides us with numerous benefits and can be cooked with any food, resulting in delicious dishes. The most famous way to cook broccoli is boiled or in salads. A different broccoli salad is the “Caesar salad with broccoli” or a special salad with broccoli, apple and nuts. Light, easy-to-cook and very healthy dishes!

Another idea we recommend is to prepare broccoli soup, with the following ingredients: 1 fresh broccoli, ½ large onion,4 cups of vegetable stock or water,1 splash of olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper.