Little gem

Little Gem has large lettuce leaves that form a compact head of about 10-15cm height and 8-10cm diameter.

Little Gem is sweet and crunchy. It has a high water content and only small amounts of carbohydrates.

Ii is rich in vitamins B1 and B2. Little Gem is also rich in potassium and magnesium.



What is little gem lettuce?

Little gem lettuce is a variety of romaine lettuce but in miniature which has been available for many years, but became much more popular in the late 20th century. Gem lettuce is an old type, originating from France and Spain.

This miniature lettuce variety is similar to its larger relative, romaine lettuce, but has a nutty-sweet taste and a thinner, crunchier stem. Little Gem has a pale green heart and a crunchy centre and a sweeter taste than common lettuce, Little Gem lettuce never develops a bitter taste. Little Gem lettuce is available all year round, but in the spring season there are an increase in production.

Growing little gem lettuce

Little Gem is an annual plant. The duration of cultivation is usually 50-60 days for early varieties and 70-80 days for late varieties, on average, from planting to harvesting.

This type of lettuce needs to be well watered for satisfactory growth, especially in hot weather, when they should be watered daily. Lack of water or too much heat will cause the plant to bolt and produce bitter leaves, spoiling production.

The substrate should also not be allowed to become waterlogged, as this will cause the lettuce to rot. The universal substrates contain the necessary nutrients for the lettuces to grow well for a few weeks, after which they should be supplemented with nitrogen-rich fertiliser for leaf plants. Their worst enemies are slugs and snails.

  • Little Gem lettuce seeds

Little Gem lettuce seeds produce small, personal size, mini romaine heads. These little gems grow to about 4″ in diameter and are best picked when they are 6″ tall.

Is little gem lettuce good for you?

Little gem is a very refreshing food due to its high-water content and provides us with interesting minerals and vitamins, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene and B vitamins, especially folic acid and vitamin C.

The benefits of Little Gem are:

  1. Little Gem has hypnotic qualities, which help to fall asleep, and also analgesic against pain. It has calming properties on nervous excitement.
  2. It has a high fibre content, which means it has a high laxative power, favouring the purification of the organism.
  3. it has a general purifying effect on the body, because of it drains the liver.
  4. It also has hypoglycaemic properties (reduces blood sugar), which makes it advisable for diabetics.
  5. As it is rich in beta-carotene, it contributes to the prevention of cancer, especially colon and lung cancer.
  6. The number of the little gem lettuce calories in lettuce is 19.60 kcal. per 100 grams. Its quantity of calories makes it an ideal product to take care of our body and lose weight, since the energetic contribution of 100 grams of lettuce is approximately 1% of the recommended daily number of calories needed by a middle-aged adult of average height who carries out moderate physical activity.

How to cook little gem lettuce?

The most common way to cook little gem lettuce is in salads, we can create multiple types of salads using this type of lettuce, adding dried fruits, types of cheese, fruits such as apples or blueberries, tomatoes, spinach, etc.

In our country the most popular way to eat little gem lettuce is raw, to consume all its properties directly. That is why it is a good accompaniment to meat, fish and sandwiches. We can also cook delicious sandwiches with lettuce or use it in creams and soups.

Moreover, the size of gem lettuce is ideal for stuffing it with rice, quinoa, meat, etc.

How to store little gem lettuce?

The best way to keep romaine lettuce in optimal eating condition is to store it in the fridge. For best preservation, we recommend washing the lettuce with fresh tap water and storing them in the fridge for up to 10 days, you can use a plastic bag to put them in. If you keep them dry in the refrigerator, the leaves should last for about 10 days.